Monday, February 8, 2010


A few days ago I learned of the tragic death of a sixteen year old man.

In August 2009 he contracted merca a disease that cannot be treated with penicillin based medication. He also suffered double pneumonia and his condition began to worsen.

After a time the diseases slackened their hold and he seemed to improve when he was stricken with swine flu. And because his body was already in a weakened state the illness overpowered him and he slipped into the next world on October 18, 2009; cut down in the prime of life.

And he fought courageously for 58 days.

He was a true warrior.

To say that I was not shocked would be a falsehood.

To state that I did not grieve, and still grieve, would be another lie.

To tell you that his family and friends did not grieve would be in error.

Those who love the most shall be missed the most.

And you need to know that I didn't even know this young man personally. But you may ask why I feel this way. Because I love and care about young people.

We are living in a world that is full of senseless violence but from what I have learned about Donald he loved people and that means he cared too. Love made him a true warrior.

Love is the greatest human emotion.

Although Donald was only sixteen when he passed on, his days on earth were well spent which is something that a lot of adults need to take into account.

Love elevates people above the hatred and the pettiness that creates wars, but seldom does a young person know the true meaning of love let alone express it as Donald did. That is because true love made him super human. Love elevated him above the things of the world.

Parents do you hug your children every day and tell them that you love them?

Do friends hug each other and say, "I love you?" And I do not speak of the love of the flesh which is but a moment and is gone.

I speak of the love that only God possesses because it is unconditional.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone so while your children, and your friends are still in this world love them as though it would be their last day on earth, for should they die tomorrow you will regret having said nothing the day before, and many there are who have gone the distance.

If you seek out YouTube you will find another true warrior, someone who loved Donald > Textingaddict04.

For Donald death was not the end of life, it was only the eternity.......

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Within the past week I have learned that on a global scale 1.6 billion people are overweight. That is about 1/6 the human population and many people are in ill health because this. But as with many other things in life most people refuse to see the dangers until it's too late.

Denial is the downfall of many.

Doing nothing is deadly.

But there are those who will do nothing to rectify their health problems until they are in grave danger and they are faced with their own mortality. Why should they wait until the Grim Reaper is standing on the threshold of their existence?

Life is too short to take for granted.

It takes nine months for a human to be fully developed in the womb and to be born, but only a split second to go into eternity.

Why wait for something dangerous to happen before you act?

There is no time like the present. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us.

Look to Herbalife to resolve your problem.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Within the laws of the spirit and the laws of the land you must be who you are and not the product of other people. You are what you are by nature therefore you cannot be shaped by the hand of man.

One person must be a painter, another a poet, still another a writer. They must do what they must do to fulfill their destiny. To be denied the right to be what they must be they can sicken or worse, die.

What you must be must not be what others want you to be, that is not for them to decide; it is the decision of a much higher power.

Your destiny does not rest in the decision of man but in the hands of Divine Providence.

But you must not be afraid to look to the future.

You must not misuse the power you possess or the end result will be destruction by your own hand.

As in the motion picture Clash of the Titans:

"Find and fulfill your destiny."